Cost breakdown for an online store

Cost breakdown for an online store
online store

In this article, we won’t provide a specific cost for an online store, but we’ll list everything that influences the expenses associated with its creation. In this sense, you can obtain a quote from developers or purchase a package offered by them, covering a specific set of services.

Let’s assume you already know the answer to “how much does it cost to have an online store?” but now you want more details. What makes one store cost only 1000 BGN, while another reaches over 10,000 BGN? This significant price difference arises from what companies need on their website in terms of services, features, and content.

online shopping

Functions determining the cost of developing an online store:

If you want to have a website, you need a domain name. The domain name is what users will enter to find your business website. You must purchase a domain name for your website to exist on the network. Domains are not very expensive, but the specific one you want may be taken.

Another crucial aspect to consider in the cost of your online store is hosting. The website host provides a place to put your website—allowing your website to exist on the Internet. You can choose from dozens of hosting providers, which is why the price varies. The cost also depends on whether you opt for shared or dedicated hosting.

Shared hosting involves sharing a server with other websites. This option costs less because you share the server with other companies, but it also means you have fewer resources. Dedicated hosting is when your website is placed on a server specifically for your site. This option has a higher cost and requires technical knowledge because you have to maintain the server yourself.

If you are a small e-commerce store, you can start with shared hosting to reduce your costs and then eventually transition to dedicated hosting when your business grows, stimulating more traffic and store

People want to feel secure when browsing your site and providing information such as their credit card numbers and addresses. An SSL certificate will help you keep this sensitive information encrypted.

Companies with a secure website include “https” in their address and display a padlock next to the name to ensure it is secure. The cost of this certificate varies. If you use a third-party website host, many of them will offer site security for free, whether it’s integrated into the platform or requires the use of a plugin.


Style and web design of the online store

Now that we’ve explored the subtle technical aspects of web design costs for e-commerce let’s examine some design-focused expenses for building your site. When you ask someone “how much does it cost to have an online store?” many people will say, “It depends on your design.” Web design does not cost the same for every company. Companies looking for a more intricate and complex design will spend more money than a company that needs a simple design.

The cost of the online store will vary depending on who creates the style and design of your website. If you use a third-party host like WordPress or Shopify, you may need to pay a small fee for the design of your site. The designs you receive from these sites are templates, so they are not entirely personalised for your business. Therefore, a fully personalised site created according to your exact


specifications and needs is considerably more expensive.

The size of the site, e-commerce functionality—these are the next feathers in the budget that you need to have and pay for. You should consider how many product pages you need for your business, in addition to the homepage. The cost of an e-commerce website includes the expenses for transforming your site into an online store. If you already have a website, you will need to add e-commerce functionality to it!

Victoria Pencheva
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